Precisely in the new year 2012 A.D., the first-Middle Year Examination has been finished, all of students of Kulliyyatu-l-Mu’allimin and Mu’allimat Al-Islamiyah at Ar-Risalah Islamic International College has passed for long tired Examination. After calculating, the duration of this exam was about 1 month, the duration in which could waste and spent much energy both in mind and physics
Tepat di tahun baru masehi, ujian awal tahun selesai dilaksanakan. Para santri-santriwati KMI Pondok Modern ar-Risalah Program Internasional telah melewati masa panjang ujian yang melelahkan. Jika dihitung-hitung, lama ujian kali ini sekitar 1 bulan. Suatu waktu yang tentu saja menghabiskan energi pikiran dan fisik.