Precisely in the new year 2012 A.D., the first-Middle Year Examination has been finished, all of students of Kulliyyatu-l-Mu’allimin and Mu’allimat Al-Islamiyah at Ar-Risalah Islamic International College has passed for long tired Examination. After calculating, the duration of this exam was about 1 month, the duration in which could waste and spent much energy both in mind and physics
Tepat di tahun baru masehi, ujian awal tahun selesai dilaksanakan. Para santri-santriwati KMI Pondok Modern ar-Risalah Program Internasional telah melewati masa panjang ujian yang melelahkan. Jika dihitung-hitung, lama ujian kali ini sekitar 1 bulan. Suatu waktu yang tentu saja menghabiskan energi pikiran dan fisik.
The first middle examination divide into three phases, the first phase was the exam for the evening lesson that executed on 3 until 7 December 2011, then afterward continued by the oral examination that started on 10 till 15 December 2011. Then the end of the phase was the written examination of the first middle year 2011-2012 that had been began from 17th of December 2011 and ended today, Sunday, 1st of January 2012.
Ujian awal tahun ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahap. Tahap pertama yaitu ujian pelajaran sore yang dilaksanakan tanggal 3 hingga 7 Desember. Kemudian dilanjutkan ujian lisan dari tanggal 10 sampai 15 Desember. Dan terakhir, yang paling lama, adalah ujian tulis yang dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 17 dan berakhir hari ini, Ahad, 1 Desember 2011.
No returning back home after this first-middle examination. Then it will be filled up by the camping event that placed in green area of Ar-Risalah beloved campus precisely in front of the gate of Duta Indonesia hostel. In the last day of holiday there was a tour in which purposed to the Blitar town.
Tidak ada perpulangan setelah ujian awal tahun. Liburan selama 1 minggu diisi dengan kegiatan kemah yang bertempat di area hijau pondok modern ar-Risalah. Setelah itu, di hari terakhir diadakan wisata ke Blitar. Dan kegiatan belajar aktif kembali dihelat setelah liburan.
In this chance we publish the photos about activities during the exam. So, enjoy reading!
Kali ini, kami menampilkan foto-foto seputar berlangsungnya ujian.Selamat menikmati!
(Ditampilkan juga di Risalah Post, Weekly English News)
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